Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Just cooling down from the fourth round of RFA.

RFA... That's radiofrequency ablation, for us non-medical types.

Or, for those of us who haven't been researching pain for the last two years, it might be called "burning the nerve."  We won't get into semantics about how that phrase isn't quite right.  We will use it as our visual image for now.

We are also diving into our post-RFA neuritis (nerve pain flare up).  Let's expect our full five weeks of this.  Because after doing this long enough, we have come to expect the worst-case outcome of every medical procedure.  Every little pain in the body, magnified for five weeks.

I come across as a pessimist.  A downer.  Depressed, perhaps.  Who's to say what the best term is.  And I'm not even the patient.  I am just the support person.

Don't be alarmed for me.  Things may be looking up.  And that is why I am writing now.  When there was no hope, it was impossible to write.  If hope is fulfilled, there will be no reason to write.  So now, climbing shuffling up the mountain of hope, I can offer a few insights that might help someone else.

But buyer beware -- pain is different for each person, nerves sneer at medical students' anatomy drawings, and what works for one person will be the downfall of another.

Still, it might be a good read.

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